
Noni Shampoo

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Our Noni Shampoo nourishes your hair, leaving it clean, shiny, and healthy. It is perfect for all hair types, including normal, dry, oily, and even color-damaged hair.

Ingredients: Herbal Tea Infusion (Infused with Certified Organic and Natural Chamomile and Fern Stem and Leaf), Saponified Coconut Oil, Vegetable Glycerin, Pure Noni, Sweet Pea Flower Extract, Botanical Tree Essences (Natural Preservative).

12 fl oz

Letter from a customer:
The Wailana Shampoo and Conditioner are the best shampoo and conditioner ever! I have never used a shampoo and condioner that makes me want to wear my hair down. I have the kind of hair that you have to either straighten, blow dry or curl to look decent because it is so frizzy. Ever since I have used your shampoo and conditioner my hair is always down, right out of the shower, and it just ringlets at the bottom beautifully. I have been using your product for six months and I just love it! Thank you, Wailana.

Christine B.

This product does not contain animal byproducts and has not been tested on animals.