If you're traveling the road to better health, you'll want to take along Wai Lana's FAVORITE JUICES. In her beautiful book, Wai Lana shares more than 85 recipes for fresh juices, luscious smoothies, and guilt-free desserts. Each and every juice is beautifully photographed. A wellspring of nutrition and inspiration, Wai Lana's FAVORITE JUICES makes getting healthy a genuine pleasure.
These mouth-watering juices will help you to:
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"Tantalizing is the perfect word to describe both this book and its juice and smoothie recipes ...The book makes a wonderful gift for people who want to transition to healthier eating; who already are eating in a healthy way; and who prepare food for children."
-New Age Retailer magazine, May/June 2004
"...Not only do Wai Lana's recipes sound delicious, but the colorful photographs of the different drink and dessert options practically pop off the page, making your mouth water ..."
-austin FiT magazine, April 2004
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